A few announcements:

1) LARGE ITEM PICKUP – The annual Overland Park Large Item Pickup is scheduled for Saturday October 10th. Please read the newsletter on allowed items, pickup instructions or how to schedule a mattress pickup.

2) ANNUAL HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING – Our Annual HOA Meeting will be via Zoom on Monday October 26th at 7pm. Your attendance is highly encouraged as we will present the 2020 financials, 2021 budget and vote on officers for 2021. This is also your opportunity to voice any concerns you have. Due to COVID, the Board members believe it is in the best interest of our neighborhood to host our meeting virtually so we do not violate social distancing guidelines.  The Zoom link will be sent in a separate email to all homeowners approximately one week before the meeting date of October 26th.

3) HALLOWEEN – With Halloween coming up, a few neighbors have asked about Trick or Treating for the nearly 50 kids living in Hampton Park. While the Board cannot legally issue guidance on this, I (Nikki) personally plan to put candy into individual bags for those who decide to venture out. It has been suggested that residents follow “standard” Halloween traditions – such as turning your porch light on if you have candy, handing out only store bought items and being mindful of social distancing guidelines.  Please use your family’s own judgment in whether or not you choose to participate. 

Your Hampton Park HOA Board

[email protected]

Nikki Toon, President

Jenny Pike, Treasurer

Randee Pereira, Vice President

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